© Cheshire Archery Association 2024
Cheshire Archery Association
County Records
Email: CAA Webmaster (John Lewis)
- Last Updated 04-Mar-2021
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I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and thank Committee members of Cheshire Archery Association for their welcoming.  Joining the Cheshire County two years ago i have had more than i ever imagined in the way of excellent coaching and this reflected in the amount of success at competitions. I owe that to Fiona, Ian and Carol. With this success and enjoyment i decided to pay back some support and put my name forward for this role. In previous employment  i've collected, collated, managed data within the NHS to send to the Welsh Gov and I'm confident i can do all Cheshire Archers claiming an award a good, precise, prompt service.  I'm hoping to work along side you all with any suggestions you may have to make claiming a record as easy and hassle free as possible. To this you can now put your claims in through email. The claim form is already amended thanks to Ann and John.  It goes without saying... A big thank you to Ann for supplying me with all the information needed to ensure a smooth transition and offering support if I get in a pickle.  So.. Here it is. I'm so excited to start receiving your Cheshire County records claims. Lets hope we get back to good form and enjoy shooting arrows very soon.  Kind regards Jacci
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A message from our new County Records Officer Jacci Alexander