Hi Cheshire Archer,TheCheshireSelectionTeaminviteyoutoSubmitScoresfor inclusion in the Cheshire Rankings 2024.Please Complete the Squad Registration Form before submission.Score Submission Criteria - Rankings:Minimum of 5 Record Status shoots.WA 720 Round, Gender, Age & Bow Type appropriate.JuniorsmaysubmitscoresbutMUSTshoottherelevant Senior Round.50m Compound / Barebow.70m Recurve / Longbow.IndividualWA720roundsshotaspartofaDouble720canbe used.PleaseIndicate1stor2ndRound-DonotEnterthe Double Total.IfError(s)arefoundinyoursubmissionanemailwillbesent to make you aware of the Error(s).Youwillbeaskedtoresubmityourentryastheyoriginalwill be deleted.WA720Scoresshotfrom 1stApril2024willberequiredto qualify.Your ranking will be based on an average of your Best 5 scores.You can send in as many scores as you like.Last score to be sent in no later than 1st October.The final rankings will be published 1st November.The Rankings will be published on a regular basis.By Submitting Scores it is in the understanding that your Scores will be used to form part of the Cheshire Rankings and be published on various platforms.Many Thanks,Cheshire Selection Team
CAA CHESHIRE RANKING Submission Form 2024Click on the Button below to submit your Scores…..