© Cheshire Archery Association 2024
Cheshire Archery Association
Email: CAA Webmaster (John Lewis)
Has the notion of becoming an AGB Judge ever crossed your mind? Maybe on one of those days when hitting the broad side of a barn seems an impossible task or when the wet and windy weather we experience so infrequently in this country has lost its innate charm? You might think that it’s boring just watching other people shoot, or that being a judge means sitting under an umbrella or walking up and down a field, but this is far from reality, you just have to much to do and think about, especially on FITA rounds You possibly believe that as a judge you get a lot of hassle from the archers, and while there are a few out there who do enjoy judge baiting, the vast majority of archers are both friendly and easy going. On the plus side you can enjoy the day and the company, without the stress of trying to better your last score, you also usually get fed and watered by the tournament organiser, and invariably at the prize giving you get a bottle of something alcoholic as a thank you for officiating. You are also entitled to claim your travelling expenses, but possibly the major advantage of being a judge is that your chances of winning in the raffle will improve exponentially, just think how at every shoot you go to doesn’t a judge invariably win something in the raffle?? You start your judging career as a Candidate Judge and after a minimum period of one year and at least 12 judging day’s experience you can apply to be assessed to become a County Judge, from there the speed at which you can progress to Regional and then National is down to you. All you have to do is gain the number of days experience required and then apply for and pass the assessments. National is the highest grade you can attain under AGB, but if you meet the criteria and have the desire you can progress further under World Archery Europe and World Archery, becoming first a Continental Judge, then a Candidate International Judge and finally an International Judge. For information regarding all aspects of judging please refer to The National Judging Scheme AGB document .
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Page Updated: 25th July 2022